4/9/2018 Masters Recap: Patrick Reed Grabs Green Jacket; Spieth's Epic Day; Tiger Isn't BackRead NowBy DjackWhat a masterful weekend it was. An event that was thought to be centered around Tiger ended up having nothing to do with him. It was clear from Thursday that Tiger wouldn't be in contention for the Green Jacket come Sunday. At points it was unclear if he would even make the cut for the weekend, he did however avoid that travesty. The weekend came down to Patrick Reed vs Rory Mcllroy, a rematch of the 2016 Ryder Cup. Rory would be looking for the career Grand Slam with this Masters victory, while Patrick Reed looked to solidify himself as a real player in today's young golf era. The rest of the field that was within contention was filled with top 25 players, however they were so far off the lead that no one really gave them a chance to pass Reed or Mcllroy. Boy, were a lot of people almost wrong.
Patrick Reed played a very conservative round of golf. At first he looked like he was taking some risk when Rory was still within striking distance, but once Rory started to unravel, Reed looked as if he was content with pars the rest of the way. While this is happening Jordan Spieth is quietly putting together one of the best rounds in Masters history. We've all seen Spieth get on these unbelievable tears where he looks nothing short of unstoppable. He most recently did this at the Open championship when he went full robot mode making shots that weren't even deemed humanly possible. When the guy gets going there's no one better in golf, he was once again proved that on Sunday. If he completed the comeback, which he obviously didn't, although he did have a share of the lead late Sunday, it would've been the biggest comeback in Masters history. He also tied the record for best score posted on a Sunday at the Masters, so he couldn't have played much better. The thing is he left a couple out there, he knows he did, and Spieth will grow stronger and closer to the clone of Tiger as he looks to become golf's next prophet. The winner, Patrick Reed, played a helluva round and put together a great 4 days. I won't lie I was rooting against him heavily. There's a ton of guy's I'd rather see draped in Green, unfortunately I don't get to pick, the golf Gods do, and it just so happened to be Patrick Reed's day. Now, we'll all have to watch this tubby man-child call himself captain America and try to be important and relevant in the golf community. Wow, I'm a lot more bitter about this Jordan Spieth falling short of another Green Jacket scenario than I originally thought. Anyways, Rickie Fowler gave Reed a run for his money, so did Spieth, it was all for none, Reed built a lead too strong to collapse from. He was nervous, he was practically shaking in his boots, however when all you have to do is post a -1 on a Sunday at the Masters to win a Green Jacket your chances are pretty good. Congratulations of the new threads Mr.Reed, don't you dare let it get to your head. Clearly you won't, we are talking about the guy who got bullied out of wearing the color red on Sunday. Now, let's talk about the real story. What the hell happened to Tiger. Once the most feared man in the jungle, now is a pussycat in the jungle. It's honestly really sad to see. I'd rather Tiger never play golf again than have to watch him be mediocre. Tiger used to win tournaments wire to wire, no one would bat an eye lid. Now, he gets a top 5 finish and Tiger fanboys are cleaning cream of wheat out of their pants. Hell yeah I wanted to see Tiger win this weekend, but I refuse to lower his standards down to the level of his play. He has completely lost the killer within in him. Tiger is nothing but a shell of himself. I'm going to finally say it, I really don't want to, but here I am, Tiger will never win another major again. Just doesn't have the juice anymore and I'm not talking about the steroids. Tiger isn't back, Tiger is DONE.
By DjackJonathan Martin, the victim of the Miami Dolphins bully gate, is now facing up to 6 years in prison after his threatening Instagram post. If you don't know that story you can read it here. It's seriously troubling stuff, what a sad story that only gets sadder as we gain more insight into the situation. Maybe rehabilitation in prison is the best thing for him, although with the way he's wired it may be the worst thing for him. This guy was the biggest dude amongst his peers growing up and was still bullied because he was that soft. Imagine him with the toughest, meanest guys, he'd get ripped apart. What he did was horrible, it was the worst way to handle his problems, and now will face the consequences of that action.
Honestly, I hope the best for Jonathan Martin. Finding a solution that keeps him off the streets because clearly in this mindset he's a menace to society, but keeps him out of a prison because that'd result in his death for sure, would be the best case scenario. There's got to be some middle ground where he can get the help that he needs while not surrounding him with people that'll just make his mental state even worse. Unfortunately with the way the system is set up it doesn't always work like that. We'll just have to wait and see. Martin is due back in court on April 25th. All I want is a humane ending to an awful situation. By MukWe at Highly Controversial Sports want to wish a Happy 46th Birthday to Shaquille "Shaq"/"Superman"/"The Big Aristotle"/"The Diesel"/"The Big Shaqtus" O'Neal.
Shaq is, in my mind, without a doubt the most dominant athlete to ever walk this earth. Hear me out on my explanation of how and why. When I say the most dominant athlete, I don't mean the greatest, or the most successful, I mean pure, physical dominance. For football it would be someone who was simply unblockable (LT) or someone who was untouchable (Barry Sanders), for baseball it would be a hitter who you couldn't pitch to (Barry Bonds), or a pitcher who you can't touch (Randy Johnson), but arguments could be made for many players in these sports, and in every sport. The argument not only spans each individual sport, but who, in general and across the board, dominated their field in a way that may never be replicated. For me, what Shaq did on the basketball court, was unprecedented, and unstoppable, and will never be done again. With a career spanning 18 season, Shaq was a 4x NBA Champion, 15x All-Star, 2x Scoring Champ, the 1999-2000 MVP, and should've won at least another MVP or two, but as we know the NBA MVP voting system is a complete joke. When Shaq was at his peak, there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. Simply nothing. From the 1993-1994 season up until the 2002-2003 season, he averaged at least 26.2 PPG, 10.7 RPG, 2.4 APG, and 1.7 BPG. Nearly a decade of putting up numbers that were at the top of the league, from 21 years old up until he was 30 years old, he was scoring better than guards and forwards, all while out rebounding the league's best big men, and doing it with reckless abandonment and no regard for all human life. With three seasons where he averaged 29+ PPG, Shaq showed just how easy it was for him to get a bucket, and he did all that, while shooting an abysmal .527 from the FT line, where teams often sent him just to stop the bleeding of him scoring at will. On this date in 2000, Shaq awarded himself the best birthday present he could, a 62 point, 23 rebound game against the Clippers, shooting 59% from the field on only 35 shots. His dominance knew no bounds, he feared no opponent, and he posterized everyone in his path. Shaq scored at will, out-rebounded everyone who shared the court with him, and did it all with a smile. He bullied grown men, night in and night out, and made his name a household one. By DjackReportedly, the NFL office is planning to fine Jerry Jones $2 million. The reason, Jerry Jones was trying to fight Roger Goodell's contract being renewed, which in turn cost the NFL $2M in legal fees, so now they're seeking repayment. This puts most people in a tough situation since Jerry Jones and Roger Goodell are the two most hated people in the NFL, but not me. I hate Jerry Jones more than any other person in football by a long shot. I want to see him and his franchise burn to the ground. Him pissing of the dictator that is Roger Goodell was the biggest mistake he could've made. Jerry Jones may have been the most powerful man in football at one point, clearly that is no longer the case. The shield has grown so strong that they no longer have to put up with Jerry Jones' bullshit because of the money he brings to the league. Instead, they get to stick it to his fucking mouth, and make him cough up $2M for trying to flex his chest. Jerry Jones must feel so small these days. First, he says any player of mine that takes a knee will be benched. Then, he ends up taking a knee with his players. As if that wasn't damaging enough to his fragile ego, now he makes a buffoon of himself trying to take out Roger Goodell only to get bitched the fuck out by the rest of the owners. What a schmuck. If I'm Jerry Jones' PR team I tell him sell the team and go into hiding because there's no coming back from this.
I realize I'm probably going to lose every Dallas fan as a reader after this. I'm not going to sugarcoat my takes to coddle to your sensitive feelings, however. I'm keeping it a buck. Anyone that looks at this as an unfair assessment of the situation is seeing this through fanboy goggles. I hate the Cowboys and I hate Jerry Jones, I'll be the first to admit that proudly, however I would never let that conflict with my takes.(Okay, maybe sometimes.) This is not one of those cases, though. I don't even understand how Dallas fans can even stand Jerry Jones at this point, the guy is a total detriment to the team. You've won two playoff games in 22 years. That's trash. The reason behind that is Jerry Jones and his inability to separate himself from the football operations of the Cowboys. Anyways, I just wanted to get that out there that this is as fair as it gets when it comes to takes. Jerry Jones is an embarrassment, a once great man is now the laughing stock of the league. By DjackThe 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics are over and I couldn't care less. Is it just me or are the winter Olympics so much lamer than the Summer. I don't know maybe it's just me, but I never realized how many different things you could do on Ski's. I'm watching people fly through the arm in space suits, other people are just skiing across flat land and then shooting guns, it was all very strange. As if that wasn't bad enough, the figure skating actually put me to sleep on multiple occasions. They put on this soft soothing music, mix that with the noise of the skates hitting the ice, and it's better than any sleep medication I've ever taken. To be honest, I enjoyed it for that reason, however that isn't good for entertainment purposes. At least I had hockey, speed skating, curling, and snowboarding to look forward too. All these events were after midnight, so if you missed it live the outcome was spoiled on twitter, therefore the rerun wasn't even worth watching. I actually have a lot more than I originally thought to rant about on the winter Olympics and how to fix this disaster. Let me break it down in a more organized fashion.
The opening and closing ceremonies might be the most pointless and boring show in the world. I was disappointed with myself for watching more than 20 seconds of it before switching the station. If you actually watch and gain enjoyment out of that, you're probably reading this from a padded room. The closing ceremony had a god damn turtle flying through space, like what the fuck Korea, are y'all tripping on acid. Who in their right mind approved that for millions to see. Craziness, just pure craziness. Get rid of it ALL. Introduce the teams from each country, have maybe a performance or two, and call it a night. All this extra bullshit they're doing is totally unnecessary. Women's hockey was awesome. Not many got to witness the spectacle that was the women's hockey gold medal game because it was on so god damn late. Next time it has to be on prime time, I don't want to hear the bullshit excuse about time difference, just make it happen. This is a sport waiting to pop, I already wrote all about it in this blog here, so the masses need to see what they're all missing out on. Now, on the other side the men's hockey was hot garbage. NHL needs to get their shit together and let those guys play in the Olympics next time. I don't care if it effects the league we need to see the best athletes in the world on the Olympic stage, so we're going need those players. That'll solve that and hockey will be can't miss Olympic TV. Speed skating I must've missed this year and that's usually one of my favorite events. Maybe Apolo Ohno not being apart of the sport anymore is the reason, however I need it back. Those guys flying around the track at unreasonable speeds wearing those ridiculous helmets is what I live to watch at the winter Olympics. The brutal crashes, the epic finishes, and just the overall excitement of the sport make it exhilarating to watch. Emphasis on making speed skating a marquee event is essential to peak Olympic success. Sports that need major corrections are skiing, figure skating, and bobsledding. For the skiing some of the events need to be eliminated all together like cross country skiing. Anyone that watches that, please stay away from me. As for the skiing and shooting one, how about we turn it into a skiing paintball match. That'd be 100x more entertaining. Imagine watching guys ski around on a course while shooting paintball guns at each other. I can picture the sky high ratings now. Next, figure skating needs to be modernized just a tad. Too much orchestra oldies music playing. Let's throw on some bad and boujee and watch these skaters wild the fuck out. Modernizing the sport would help grab the millennial market which the Olympics so desperately needs. As for bobsledding, the concept is cool and all, but it can be brought to a legendary level. Let's make the tracks a little more extreme. Throw some loops in, a couple jumps here and there, really enhance the danger element to the sport. People are sick, they love to see crashes and reckless stunts, so extreme bobsledding would be an all time epic sport. There's a lot more where that comes from when I become president of the IOC. This is just the beginning of making winter sports great again. Hey, it wasn't all bad. Seeing Shaun White win was a cool moment that'll be on the Olympic highlight reel forever. Also, Chloe Kim is a total bad ass and the face of snowboarding now that Shaun White is probably done. Other than that though, it was quite a disappointment. You the people can change that. That's why i need your vote to become IOC commissioner 2022. Thank you and leave any feed back regarding the changes you'd make to the winter Olympic sports. 2/23/2018 Jonathan Martin Detained After Threatening Former Teammates and School with ShotgunRead NowBy DjackJonathan Martin, former offensive lineman for the Miami Dolphins, posted this photo on his Instagram story today, leading to cops showing up at his house to arrest him. The story of Jonathan Martin began back in 2013 when the bullying scandal came out about his teammates, most notably Richie Incognito, were bullying him to the point that it became an unbearable work environment for him. The messages between Jonathan Martin and his parents are truly heartbreaking and it’s extremely hard to read without feeling for the guy. So broken, so in need of help that you hate to have to seen it come down to this before he gets the help he was so desperately seeking. If you want to read the messages between him and his parents click here. Fair warning it’s very very sad.
Obviously, Jonathan Martin, was lost. Anyone that read those messages can easily see he has some deep rooted issues that needed to be handled properly. Unfortunately, they weren’t. He was self aware almost to a fault and that’s probably what lead him to post that post. Was he actually going to shoot up his former high school or teammates, thankfully we’ll never know. Something tells me this was a desperate last cry for help. Still doesn’t excuse the fact that he was premeditating killing innocent people. Crazy fucking stuff. One day you’re a NFL player making millions of dollars to play a game and the next you’re sitting in a prison cell. For Jonathan Martin this was a lifelong struggle of dealing with low self esteem and social anxiety. If it can happen to a NFL player it can happen to anybody. The theme here shouldn’t be let’s rag on the guy that’s been ragged on his entire life, instead let’s learn from this. Let’s just try being nicer to people, we really never know what’s going on in someone else’s life. This a tragic situation that probably could’ve been avoided and thankfully didn’t end much much worse. As Jesus once said “Love thy neighbor. Sorry for getting serious on the blog, this whole situation just wasn’t sitting well with me. By DjackI’m not going to dive too deep into this because I barely know any of the facts involved with this story. What I do know is what Mark Cuban has admitted to, which is knowing that the CEO of the Mavericks, Terdema Ussery, had been sexually harassing female employees. As if that wasn’t bad enough another employee by the name of Earl Sneed, had been in trouble for abusing a women, and Cuban kinda just swept it under the rug. Well, finally the truth came out as it always does, and now Cuban is backed into a corner with his tail between his legs. Wasn’t so tough now, then the NBA laid maybe the softest punishment ever on him. They hit Cuban with a $600,000.00 fine. A lot of money to most people, not a lot of money to Mark Cuban. A slap on the wrist for basically ignoring every case of sexual assault and sexual harassment that went on under his watch.
What makes the situation so much worse is that not only did it happen within his organization, but Mark Cuban knew all about it. This fuck had the chance to fire these pencil dick scumbags, instead he decided to keep the preadators put, and did almost nothing about it. That’s completely unacceptable. Adam Silver, I think you’re a great commissioner and have done everything right up until this point. However, Mark Cuban getting off with a petty fine was not the answer here. I would’ve at least threatened him with the possibility of forcing him to sell the franchise. There’s absolutely no place for that bullshit in sports and the fact that he as an owner was condoning that sort of behavior is appalling. I’m not going to lie it hurts me writing this because I was a huge Mark Cuban guy. The facts are the facts, though. Guess he really is just a misogynistic asshole after all. Very disappointing. Update: This fine was for his pro tanking comments, not the sexual harassment scandal. This leads me to believe there’s still hope for the NBA to do the right thing. My gut feeling is that they won’t. By DjackLet me start off this hot take by saying I'm not an Olympic historian by any means nor do I claim to be. However, I do know greatness when I see it. Lindsey Vonn, is not greatness. Lindsey Vonn is a very talented athlete and one of the best Americans ever in the ski game. To refer to her as this all time Olympic athlete though, is utterly ridiculous. When you think of great Olympic athletes you think of the likes of Jesse Owens, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Bruce Jenner, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Shaun White, Bonnie Blair, Apollo Ohno and Shannon Miller. Those are Olympic icons and there's many more that I didn't list that I would put before Lindsey Vonn. Yet, for some reason Lindsey Vonn has been put up on this pedestal like she should be on the mount Rushmore of Olympic athletes.
Winning a Gold medal is more than most people will ever accomplish. It's something I'll never be able to do so she's definitley got me beat in life right now. With that being said, America is built on a different level of greatness. Winning one, just isn't enough. When there's countless amazing athletes for our nation that have gone out and stood atop the podium several times when she's done it just once, it'd be insane to rule her a top tier Olympic athlete. You need multiple golds and the fact that there has been multiple events where she hasn't even received a medal in general is a blemish on her resume. I know it sounds like I'm being ultra critical, and well that's because I am. Not every athlete that wins needs to be put into the all time great category. Is Lindsey Vonn a good skier, yes. Is Lindsey Vonn an all time Olympic athlete, hell fucking no. Anyone that thinks that is brainless to be honest. It's not like I'm just making up this narrative that people refer to her as an all timer because Sports Illustrated put out a tweet calling her one of the greatest skiers ever, which is just not true by any stretch. I look like a hater, I'm not, I'm just trying to preserve the value and meaning behind words. Lindsey Vonn crazy talented, probably should've had a more decorated career if it weren't for injuries, nonetheless she didn't. That's just the facts of this situation. Now, let her disappear into the depths of irrelevancy and begin hyping up the next marketable Olympic talent that you sheep can call the greatest ever. Give me a break you hypebeasts. |
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